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Preparing for Partner API Integration

Creating an API Key

API keys allow clients to authenticate themselves in our open API to send HTTP requests. Do not leave your keys in the public domain to avoid potential negative consequences.

  1. Go to API Keys Settings.
  2. Click "Generate API Key" and fill out the form.

Form Fields:

  • API Key Name: Freeform field to distinguish different keys.
  • Description: Optional field for additional details.
  • Webhook/Payment Notification URL: URL for receiving notifications about verification or bank account status changes.
  • Redirect URL: URL to which merchants will be redirected after completing ID verification if merchant was created using this API key
  • Status: Enable or disable the API key.
  • Role: Assign a role with the appropriate access rights. "Partner Integration" is suitable for full access to the Partner API. Custom roles can be created in the "Roles" section.

Click "Generate API Key" to create the key. You can now use this API key to work with the Partner API, initially in sandbox mode with the sandbox merchant. For real payments, the merchant must create a bank account and pass ID verification.

Setting Partner Webhooks

To receive notifications about verification status changes or connected accounts, add the webhook address:

  1. Go to Partner Settings.
  2. Configure the redirect URL where the merchant will be redirected after verification.

After completing this steps you can start using our [](API specification) to start your integration with Public Partner API. But you also can check a guide how to interact with Partner mode to create real merchant.